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Working hours: MO-FR 09:00-18:00

Shareholders who have more than 20% of shares of the bank

Update date: 22 January 2024, 14:38

Information about share capital structure of PJSB “Trustbank”
(Shareholders who have more than 20% of shares of the bank)

The authorized capital of Private Joint-Stock Bank "Trustbank" is formed in the amount of 560.25 billion soums. Shareholders of the bank are more than 550 legal entities and individuals whose shares are 38,32% and 61,68% respectively. At the same time, individuals have a predominant share in the structure of the Bank's shareholders.

A shareholder of Private Joint-Stock Bank "Trustbank" who has more than 20% of shares

Share of the shareholder in the authorized capital of the bank

Quantity in pieces



Parpiyev Dilmuradjon Bakirovich

246 408 591

Owns more than
24,64% of shares


       Sharipov Tokhir Mirakhimovich          

  219 201 787

 Owns more than  
21,92% of share

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