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Money transfers

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Visit the branches of our bank and make a very easy and fast money transfer to your loved ones!

Money transfer is carried out in a few minutes and has high degree of protection, which guarantees that only indicated person receives funds.

Money transfer fee is paid by the sender.

You can choose the money transfer system depending on the destination, amount, speed and fee for the transfer.

PJSB «Trustbank» cooperates with the following international money transfer systems:

Western Union

Name and information about money transfer systemMoney Transfer SpeedMoney Transfer CurrencyMoney Transfer GeographyMoney Transfer FeeSpecial Features
The biggest world system of international money transfer, which has been operating since 1871.1-2 minutes USDMore than 200 world countries Starting from 1%-1.7% to CIS countries Starting from 2%-26% to other countries, depending on the amount of money transfer. transfer to China from 1%-15%No specific address transfer Possibility to check status of transfer on the official website: www.westernunion.ru

Name and information about money transfer systemMoney Transfer SpeedMoney Transfer CurrencyMoney Transfer GeographyMoney Transfer FeeSpecial Features
Russian system of international money transfer that consists of international network of bank-correspondents and foreign specialized companies. 1-2 minutes USDMore than 86 world countriesStarting from 2%-3%, depending on the amount of money transfer.No specific address transfer Possibility to check status of transfer on the official website: www.contact-sys.com/transferstatus.html

Name and information about money transfer systemMoney Transfer SpeedMoney Transfer CurrencyMoney Transfer GeographyMoney Transfer FeeSpecial Features
International money transfer system, which is second in the world by size of its global network.1-2 minutes USDMore than 190 world countriesStarting from 2% to CIS countries Starting from 3%-10% to other countries, depending on the amount of money transfer. transfer to China from 1%-3%No specific address transfer www.moneygram.com
Золотая Корона

Name and information about money transfer systemMoney Transfer SpeedMoney Transfer CurrencyMoney Transfer GeographyMoney Transfer FeeSpecial Features
Inter-bank payment system, developed by Centre of Financial Technologies (city of Novosibirsk) and widely spread in the countries of CIS. 1-2 minutes USDCIS countries and China1,5% regardless of the amount of money transfer. 25 USD fee for money transfer to China regardless from the amount of money transfer. No specific address transfer Possibility to check status of transfer on the official website: www.perevod-korona.com Transfer to China is carried out by SWIFT to the Bank of China for the account earlier opened by receiver. Speed of transfer – 3 banking days.
Азия Экспресс

Name and information about money transfer systemMoney Transfer SpeedMoney Transfer CurrencyMoney Transfer GeographyMoney Transfer FeeSpecial Features
The system of international money transfer, created by the subsidiary of National Bank for Foreign Economic Activity in the Russian Federation – «Asia-Invest Bank».1-2 minutes USD and EURMain transfer route: Uzbekistan- Russia.1.4% from the amount of transfer.No specific address transfer Possibility to check status of transfer on the official website: www.ai-bank.ru/asia_express/

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