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Mobile version
1287, +998 78 140-00-88
+998 71 207-36-45
Working hours: MO-FR 09:00-18:00
Call center
+998 78 140-00-88
Working hours: MO-FR 09:00-18:00
Hot line to shareholders
+998 78 140-00-88
Working hours: MO-FR 09:00-18:00
Expand your business by taking a loan of up to 1 billion soums
Interest rates decrease as new jobs are created! The loan "Business Development and Creation of New Jobs" will raise your entrepreneurial activity to a new level.
Plastic cards
Corporative plastic card With you every step of the way
Pay with a corporate card only for the needs of the company; it cannot be used for personal purposes.
Personal manager service
We care about you!
We provide a system of effective and individual work with corporate clients!
our client
Dear Clients, we are glad to welcome you on the website of the Private Joint-Stock Bank “Trustbank”!
We hope that the navigation will be pleasant, the search for the necessary information will be easy and the aesthetic pleasure of working with our network resource will be sustainable.
Export-import operations
Foreign economic activity

PJSB “Trustbank” being one of the dynamically developing banks of Uzbekistan, in accordance with the current legislation, provides services for all types of foreign exchange transactions, including those carried out under foreign trade, credit agreements, as well as foreign exchange transactions carried out under non-trade transactions

Trust Bank Business Mobile Application
TrustBusiness is the bank`s mobile application for legal entities and private entrepreneurs who are clients of Trustbank
Send payment orders
Generate statements
Make payments to the budget
Track changes in exchange rates
24/7 access to the information on account transactions
Payments based on templates created in Internet Banking
Payment (plastic) cards
Salary Project - plastic card
Get your salary on the Trustbank card.
Payment (plastic) cards
Visa Business
Visa International cards offer modern, reliable and convenient instrument of payment for goods and services all over the world
Payment (plastic) cards
Corporative plastic card

Pay with a corporate card only for the needs of the company; it cannot be used for personal purposes.

Bank News
31 January / 18:53
An event was organized at Trustbank for children with oncological and oncohematological diseases
An event was organized at Trustbank for children with oncological and oncohematological diseases
21 January / 10:38
A Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between Trustbank and Tashkent State University of Economics
A Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between Trustbank and Tashkent State University of Economics
21 January / 10:30
A seminar on “The role of risk coordinators in preventing bank operational risks” was held
A seminar on “The role of risk coordinators in preventing bank operational risks” was held
27 December / 18:17
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
19 December / 19:50
A seminar was held as part of Fire Safety Month
A seminar was held as part of Fire Safety Month
17 December / 18:34
Trustbank receives another recognition
Trustbank receives another recognition
14 December / 18:18
A seminar was held on the topic “The role of married women in society and their labor activities”
A seminar was held on the topic “The role of married women in society and their labor activities”
12 December / 14:03
Professional customer service of the bank is a requirement of the times
Professional customer service of the bank is a requirement of the times
6 December / 15:51
“The Constitution is the guarantee of a free and prosperous life!”
An intellectual game “Zakovat” was held at Trastbank on the eve of the 32nd anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan
2 December / 17:24
Libraries established by Trustbank in mahallas contribute to the enrichment of cultural and educational life
Libraries established by Trustbank in mahallas contribute to the enrichment of cultural and educational life
Statistics on requests
from 17.05.2017 to 08.02.2025

86% 14%
From individuals
From legal entities
In processing
Appeals and suggestions
Do you have any complaints, statements, suggestions or unresolved problems in Trustbank PJSB?
Send an appeal


Network of banking services offices

Subsidiary leasing companies of Trustbank

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