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1287, +998 78 140-00-88
+998 71 207-36-45
Working hours: MO-FR 09:00-18:00
Call center
+998 78 140-00-88
Working hours: MO-FR 09:00-18:00
Hot line to shareholders
+998 78 140-00-88
Working hours: MO-FR 09:00-18:00

Operations on the interbank market

Update date: ...

PJSB “Trustbank” performs the following types of operations in the interbank market:

  • placement of interbank deposits in national and foreign currency within the established limits;
  • attracting interbank deposits in national and foreign currency.

Interest rates on interbank deposits are set based on current market rates.

Employees of the Treasury Department make deals through the REUTERS DEALING system (Reuters code: TRTB) or by phone (998 71) 207-62-72

More detailed information can be obtained from Treasury Department:

Phone: (998 71) 207-62-73

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