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Export-import operations

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Foreign economic activity

It is of the utmost importance to provide the whole complex of banking services for clients’ foreign economic activities. Bank on continuing basis broadening the spectrum of its services’ in the field of foreign economic activities and always stays open for innovations in this area.

Clients – participants of foreign economic activities – using modern settlement instruments and technology can accomplish exchange operations with their foreign counter partners. Skilled specialists of the bank provide consultation of the clients at any stage of dealing.

According to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About exchange control» and under the law currently in force normative acts in foreign economic activity sphere, Bank performs the following types of the services:

Monitoring of export-import operation

In compliance with the Resolution of Cabinet of Ministers of Republic of Uzbekistan №283 dated 14/05/2020, as well as for monitoring of foreign trade operations of economic entities bank carries out verification of data in a single electronic information system of foreign trade operations (EISVO) with strict terms of the contract (including the presence of conclusion of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations, Investments and Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the contracts which need to pass through examination by MFERIT) Requirement for foreign trade contracts must comply with the applicable regulations, (Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 20.04.1994. UP-837 "About measures on ensuring the exchange control on export-import operations", Cabinet of Ministers of Republic of Uzbekistan №199 dated 21/07/2014 "About additional measures to improve the monitoring of foreign trade operations in the Republic of Uzbekistan ", Decree of President of Republic of Uzbekistan # 5177 dated September 02, 2017 Resolution of Cabinet of Ministers of Republic of Uzbekistan № 245 dated 29/06/2000 "About measures on the further development and consolidation off-board exchange market"), which are required for the performance of all the participants of foreign economic activity.

Conversion operations

The Bank proceeds operations on purchase and sale of foreign currency on behalf of its clients on a foreign exchange market. According to current acting legislation the juridical entities have a possibility to sell and purchase foreign currency.

 As of today, the Clients of the PJS «Trustbank» may apply for conversion of foreign currency online.

Sale enterprise and organization (client) of the bank of foreign exchange, conversion of one foreign exchange in other are also conducted in accordance with requirements acting legislation.

Documentary operations

Private joint-stock «Trustbank» in interest and on behalf of their own customers and banks-correspondent realizes the accounting operations in the form letter of credit and collection of payment.

Because of reputations of the Bank, as reliable partner, its letters of credit and collection of payment will be taken by all leading banks of the world in count line, but wide network of the banks- correspondent and modern communication facility allow realizing the documentary operations at the short period.

PJS «Trustbank» when receiving and performance documentary operations follows the Unified rules and custom for documentary letter of credit to publications MTP 600, redaction 2007y, and Unified rule on collection of payment MTP 522.

Increasing the efficiency of operations at the expense of the using documentary forms of payment create the possibility to a customers and banks-correspondents of PJS «Trustbank» to attract the new partners on business, increasing its trade-economic activity and enlarging amounts of made operations.

On stage of preparing the contract specialists bank will render the skilled consulting help in choice of the most efficient structure documentary payments on a contract.

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