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Registration of letters and other documents in the state language, based on the Latin alphabet

Update date: 25 October 2021, 12:00
Registration of letters and other documents in the state language, based on the Latin alphabet
25 Oct 2021

                     In Bukhara and Samarkand branches of Private Joint-Stock Bank “Trustbank” with the participation of the Director of the Administration of the Bank S.Bekchanov and employees of the branches, practical training seminars were organized on the topic “Native language is my honor and pride”, as well as “Registration of letters and other documents in the state language, based on the Latin alphabet” .


                      The seminar raised the topic of the importance of the Uzbek language as a cultural and spiritual heritage of the nation, the language spoken by famous architects. The native language is the soul of the people, a symbol of the state and its sovereignty. The preservation and development of a language means the rise of nation. On October 21, 1989, the Uzbek language was given the status of the state language.

                     The seminar was held in the form of a live dialogue, the participants could ask their questions and get detailed answers.

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