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Money transfers to any corner of the world

Update date: 30 November 2020, 15:41
Money transfers to any corner of the world
12 Nov 2020
We are proud to support thousands of people around the world who work 100% away from home. Through their efforts, they can fulfill their dreams and the dreams of their family.

We have said this before and will say it again: distance is not an obstacle to show your love to your family! Remittances are a great example of how kilometers and oceans mean nothing when we are ready to continue helping those we care about.

Show your love to your family with Trustbank and use the services of money transfers to any distance in a matter of minutes in any branches of PJSB "Trustbank".

We offer the following money transfer systems:
  • Western Union
  • Unistream
  • MoneyGram
  • KoronaPay
  • Asia Express
Cash is issued only to the specified person, and the sender pays the money transfer fee.
Source: Information Service / Views: 1017
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