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«Trustbank»: in the process of transition to credit modular system employees of the bank improve their classification

Update date: 24 September 2020, 12:52
«Trustbank»: in the process of transition to credit modular system employees of the bank improve their classification
23 Sep 2020
Private Joint Stock Bank «Trustbank» conducts significant work about its providing bank services for population and businesses. Increasing the position of the bank and providing high-quality banking services to the population and business largely depends on the bank's employees.

In the nowadays pandemic situation of coronavirus, improving classification of the bank’s employees is organized with using leading technologies in particular through online video conferencing.

Recently Bobur Muborakov the director of the Crediting Department of PJSB "Trustbank" carried out an online video conference on the topic of the organization of the process of the modular loan based on the underwriting system of business entities in national currency on the underwriting of all branches of the bank.

In the process of the webinar, Bobur Muborakov talked about marking risks and income level of borrowers in deciding on the allocation of a loan or concluding any agreement, analyzing its credit history, assessing the collateral for the loan, and also discussed projects that are planned to be implemented by the bank's branches and other issues.

At the end of the webinar, the underwriters exchanged skills in solving problems in this area and were able to get answers to all their questions.

At the webinar, organized by the Training Center and the Credit Department, 132 employees of the bank improved their qualifications.

Of course, the regular organization of such webinars will help improve the qualifications of bank employees, and they, in turn, will provide customers with high-quality banking services.
Source: Information Service / Views: 1030
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