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1287, +998 78 140-00-88
+998 71 207-36-45
Working hours: MO-FR 09:00-18:00
Call center
+998 78 140-00-88
Working hours: MO-FR 09:00-18:00
Hot line to shareholders
+998 78 140-00-88
Working hours: MO-FR 09:00-18:00

Dear shareholders and clients of our bank!

Update date: 30 December 2019, 14:51
Dear shareholders and clients of our bank!
31 Dec 2019
We congratulate you with upcoming New Year 2020!

On the eve of this most favorite holiday we would like to wish You and Your loved ones strong health and prosperity. Let all your dreams, pure thoughts and intentions come true! Let all the cities and settlement which are close to our heart become more and more beautiful and attractive! Let our Uzbekistan become happier, with prosperity in every family! Peace and presperity to our great country!

Happy Holidays! Happy New Year 2020!

Leadership of the Bank
Source: Leadership of the Bank / Views: 1690
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