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Trustbank's football team took the second place in the tournament!

Update date: 24 October 2024, 11:47
Trustbank's football team took the second place in the tournament!
19 Oct 2024

 Today, on 19 October, the final stage of the football competition between commercial banks held by the Association of Banks of Uzbekistan and UzCard took place.photo_2024-10-19_19-06-05 This tense and decisive match, which started to the applause of fans, was held between the teams of "Trustbank" and "National Bank".photo_2024-10-24_11-42-52 In an uncompromising match, the main time ended with the score 1:1, i.e. in a draw. In the penalty shootout the score was 4:3, and the representatives of "Trustbank" team won silver medals of the tournament.photo_2024-10-24_11-42-56 We congratulate everyone on today's result! We express our gratitude to our guys who deservedly defended the honour of our bank for the victorious way to the final, beautiful and strong-willed game!photo_2024-10-24_11-42-59

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