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Khashar is a symbol of cohesion and solidarity

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Khashar is a symbol of cohesion and solidarity
16 Mar 2024

 Today from early morning all over the country on the eve of the Navruz holiday under the motto “A well-maintained and prosperous makhalla is an ornament of the country” a traditional nationwide khashar is held.  Residential areas, alleys and parks, as well as neighborhoods of organizations and offices are beautified, and assistance is rendered to socially unprotected groups of population.



Among others, a nationwide charitable khashar was held in the head office of the private joint stock bank “Trustbank”, Operational Department and offices of banking services in the regions with great enthusiasm. In the course of the khashar, the area around the bank's buildings, ditches and sidewalks were cleaned. Trees were whitewashed and flowers were planted.



It should be noted that khashar is one of the most ancient customs of our people, calling for mutual consent, calmness and unity. Conducting such events serves to form environmental responsibility in every person.




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