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Working hours: MO-FR 09:00-18:00

Don't be fooled by scammers. Be aware of them!

Update date: 14 September 2022, 14:08
Don't be fooled by scammers. Be aware of them!
13 Sep 2022

 The website and social media pages mentioned in this picture are run by scammers who use the name "Trustbank" to scam customers.

 If you go to this website and enter your credit card details, all the funds on your card will be charged immediately. Scammers are offering loans of 10 per cent or more that can be obtained online.

 We urge all our fellow citizens and customers to be vigilant. Do not give your money to scammers. Do not reveal your personal information to suspicious websites.

 If you come across such a suspicious link, call the following numbers:

Hotline: 71 207-36-45

Inquiries by phone: 1287

Source: не указано / Views: 548
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