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A professional approach to customer service is the key to success for a modern bank

Update date: 29 November 2024, 09:42
A professional approach to customer service is the key to success for a modern bank
28 Nov 2024

 The quality of services provided to clients of the private joint-stock bank "Trustbank" is maintained based on approved standards. Customer service by BSO(banking services offices), BSC (banking services centers), СEO (currency exchange offices), and "Reception" employees is systematically evaluated using the "Mystery Shopper" method, conducted by responsible employees of an external marketing company.2 On November 25-27 of this year, a practical seminar was organized at the "Andijon," "Namangan," and "Farg'ona" bank service offices based on the results of the latest "Mystery Client" study. During the event, a presentation of the research results conducted using the "Mystery Client" method was delivered by responsible personnel from the Department for Coordinating the activities of Banking subdivisions of Trustbank.3 During the practical seminar, mistakes and shortcomings in the customer service process were analyzed for each employee. Additionally, relevant instructions were provided to improve service quality, and answers were given to all questions raised by the staff.4

Source: не указано / Views: 115
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