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Mobile version
1287, +998 78 140-00-88
+998 71 207-36-45
Working hours: MO-FR 09:00-18:00
Call center
+998 78 140-00-88
Working hours: MO-FR 09:00-18:00
Hot line to shareholders
+998 78 140-00-88
Working hours: MO-FR 09:00-18:00

Credit for trade companies

Update date: 4 September 2020, 18:26

The credit is given for the replenishment of working capital for the purpose of widening range of marketed goods and increasing trade turnover.

Term of credit: Up to 18 months.

Online application for small businesses for obtaining a loan in the PJSB "Trustbank"

Maximum file size 10.00 MB

* area obligatory to fill

Online application of Individual entrepreneurs for a loan in the PJSB "Trustbank" system

Maximum file size 10.00 MB

* area obligatory to fill

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