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The international British company Brand Finance listed “Trustbank” as one of the best brands in Uzbekistan

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The international British company Brand Finance listed “Trustbank” as one of the best brands in Uzbekistan
1 Apr 2024

 Yesterday, prestigious British international company Brand Finance for the first time published the list of TOP-10 brands of Uzbekistan.  According to the results of the rating, “Trustbank” PJSB took a place in the top-3 of the highest brands of country.

 It should be noted that this is an assessment of marketing capabilities and strength of the brand.  The brand study covers more than 20 attributes including customer service, trust and pricing.  In addition, this study shows the popularity of each brand and customer attitudes towards it.

 This ranking is based on the Brand Strength Index, which evaluates a brand's strength, risk and future potential compared to its competitors on a scale of “D” to “AAA”.  Conceptually, it is similar to a credit rating. “Trustbank” is labeled as a “Strong” brand on this list.  Naturally, a strong brand is a valuable asset for any business, contributing to high customer engagement, satisfaction, loyalty, and brand promotion.  In addition, strong brands contribute to business growth and profitability.

 The achieved result is the merit not only of every employee working in “Trustbank” PJSB, but also of our dear clients who always trust us!

Source: не указано / Views: 105
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