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The event was held under the slogan “The Constituion is mine, yours, ours, The Constituion is ours”

Update date: 1 May 2023, 14:55
The event was held under the slogan “The Constituion is mine, yours, ours, The Constituion is ours”
28 Apr 2023

As you know these days a number of events are taking place throughout the counter dedicated to the content of the draft Constituional Law “On the Constituion of the Republic Uzbekistan”.



One of such events took place in the Operational Department of the  private join-stock bank “Trustbank”. The meeting on the topic “With the people’s Constituion on the way to the people’s state” was attended by the head of the Shaykhontokhur district branch of the Republican Spiritual and Educational Center Nilufar Alibayeva, associate professor of the Uzbek State University of World languages J. Pulatov, the famous actress Odina Abdurakhmanova, singer Sherbek Shodiev, as well as officials and employees of the Operations Department of the Bank.



The speakers emphasized that the updated Constituion serves to further develop the life of the people, fully ensure the rights, fredooms and interests of citizens. In addition, the participants were informed thet with the draft Constituional Law, the number of articles of the current Constituion will be increased from 128 to 155, and it’s norms -from 275 to 434, and our Constituion will be updated by 65%.


During the event, the mood the participants was raised by creative performances of the actress Odina  Abdurakhmanova about the motherland,family, gratitude and songs of the famous singer Sherbek Shodiev.


Source: не указано / Views: 340
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