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“The Constitution is the guarantee of a free and prosperous life!”

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“The Constitution is the guarantee of a free and prosperous life!”
6 Dec 2024

An intellectual game “Zakovat” was held at Trastbank on the eve of the 32nd anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan

  It has been 32 years since the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Last year, our Fundamental Law, which serves as a solid guarantee of our rights and freedom, was adopted in a new edition based on universally recognized principles and norms of international law.za.jpg
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Today, the intellectual game “Zakovat” was held at the head office of private joint-stock bank “Trustbank” on December 8 - the day the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan was adopted. The event, organized in accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On preparation for the celebration of the Constitution Day of the Republic of Uzbekistan and its holding"” dated October 17, 2024, left a strong impression on the attendees. This knowledge-based game proved its significance as it served multiple purposes: enhancing the intellectual potential of financial institution employees, including young professionals, fostering legal education and awareness among them, and explaining the essence and content of the newly revised Constitution as well as current laws.zak5 zak7 zak8 The scores of the groups were calculated for each stage, and the teams that took the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places in the competition were awarded special statuettes, diplomas, and commemorative gifts.zak9zak 101st place – Head Office

2nd place – “Darkhon” banking services office

3rd place – Operational Banking services officezak11 Additionally, Dr. J. Shermukhamedova, a professor of philosophical sciences and expert from the Republican Center for Spirituality and Enlightenment, who participated in the event, spoke about the essence and content of the newly adopted version of our Constitution. She emphasized its people-oriented nature and stressed that it is truly a guarantee of our free and prosperous life. photo_2024-12-05_19-34-

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