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The results of the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the bank were summed up

Update date: 25 September 2020, 17:25
The results of the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the bank were summed up
25 Sep 2020

On September 25 of this year, an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Private Joint Stock Bank "Trustbank" was held. The meeting was chaired by Tokhir Sharipov, Chairman of the Bank's Supervisory Board.

In the meeting were discussed such issues as "Distribution of retained earnings of previous years, and at the end of the 1st half of 2020", "formation of a general-purpose reserve fund", "formation of reserves to cover possible losses on loans classified as "Standard", besides that there were also talked about amendments and additions to the regulations "on the board" and "on the supervisory board of the Bank", consideration of the issue "On the composition of the bank's Supervisory Board" and the conclusion of a general loan agreement with Raiffeisen Bank International AG in the amount of EUR 30 000 000.


Considering suggestions and opinions that are received all questions are discussed at the meeting, appropriate decisions were made.

Source: Information Service / Views: 1087
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