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Happy 31st Independence Anniversary of the Republic of Uzbekistan!

Update date: 6 September 2022, 16:26
Happy 31st Independence Anniversary of the Republic of Uzbekistan!
31 Aug 2022

 Dear compatriots, dear customers! We sincerely congratulate you with one of the major holidays - the 31st Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

 It would be no exaggeration to say that independence allowed everyone to realize their potential in social and political life, take an active part in the socio-economic development of the country, as well as in the development of state and society.

 This is a holiday of sincere love for the country, of true pride and emotion!

 We wish you good health, happy life and peace in your homes. Success in your work for peace and prosperity of our independent Motherland! May our independence be eternal!

 Sincerely, the staff of “Trustbank” Private Joint-Stock Bank

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