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A seminar on “The role of risk coordinators in preventing bank operational risks” was held

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A seminar on “The role of risk coordinators in preventing bank operational risks” was held
21 Jan 2025

 The bank risk management department of private joint-stock bank “Trustbank” conducted a seminar on “The role of risk coordinators in preventing bank operational risks”. Responsible staff members from all structural divisions of the financial institution’s Head office and the operational service of bank branches participated in the event.a2 It was emphasized that today, the role of risk coordinators in preventing operational risks is of crucial importance. This not only ensures the stability of the bank’s activities but also improves the quality of services. Therefore, explaining industry-related information to bank employees and implementing it in practice is considered one of the urgent tasks.a3 At the seminar, presentations were given on topics such as ensuring effective management of operational risks in the banking sector, the role of risk coordinators, and aligning existing practices with regulatory and legal frameworks. Additionally, explanations were provided on crucial areas including credit, operational, liquidity, and market risks.a4

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