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Amount of online microloan is increased

Update date: 23 September 2020, 17:01
Amount of online microloan is increased
22 Sep 2020

According to the Presidential Decree, 2020 was declared the Year of the Development of Science, Education, and the Digital Economy. Within the framework of the approved program, Private Joint Stock Bank "Trustbank" has done significant work to further improve the quality of customer service, increase the range of online services provided through a mobile application.

From May this year, customers of the bank got an offer of a microloan from 500 000 sums to up to 5 million sums that can be got with help of the mobile application “TrustPay”.

According to the decision of the bank's credit commission dated September 18 this year, the amount of the microloan was increased to 10 million soums.

Now the bank's customers have the opportunity to independently issue a microloan of up to 10,000,000 (ten million) soums using the TrustPay mobile application.

Source: Information Service / Views: 1036
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